DDC Endodontics Office

We understand that you are eager to get back to caring for your dental health and we would like to share what can you expect when you walk through the doors of our offices. We have worked very hard to follow all guidelines set out by the American Dental Association, Ohio Dental Association, Center for Disease Control and the Ohio Department of Health to ensure that we have taken the proper safety precautions for you and our team members. Please review the below information prior to your visit to our office so you know what to expect when you come in for your next appointment.

  • Maintain current social distancing suggestions.
  • Social Distancing signage posted and consistent disinfecting high-contact surfaces.
  • Decrease office capacity by spreading out appointments and allowing for proper sanitizing time in between patient visits.
  • We will be removing all items used on patients from the counters to reduce the risk of potential aerosols landing on those items.
  • All surfaces will be wiped down with a disinfecting wipe and all patient barriers will be replaced after each patient.
  • Hand Sanitizer Available.
  • Sneeze Guards installed. (See photo below)